General Medicine

The General Medicine department is the cornerstone of medical education, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a wide range of medical conditions. It covers internal medicine, providing a comprehensive understanding of systemic diseases, their causes, and therapeutic interventions. Students delve into various medical specialties, honing clinical skills through patient care and medical procedures. The department plays a pivotal role in shaping competent and compassionate physicians, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based practice, continuous learning, and patient-centered care. It serves as the foundation for diverse medical specialties, contributing to the holistic healthcare education of future medical professionals.

Pedagogy & Facilities

  • Clinical Rotations:Extensive clinical rotations in various medical specialties, allowing students to gain practical experience in diagnosing and treating diverse medical conditions.
  • Bedside Teaching:Emphasis on bedside teaching during clinical rounds, providing direct patient interaction and enhancing clinical examination skills.
  • Interactive Lectures:Engaging lectures covering internal medicine topics, encouraging active participation, discussions, and knowledge exchange among students.
  • Teaching Hospitals:Access to well-equipped teaching hospitals with specialized departments for a wide range of medical conditions.
  • Clinical Skills Labs:State-of-the-art clinical skills labs with simulation models for hands-on training in various medical procedures and examinations.
  • Medical Libraries:Extensive medical libraries with access to textbooks, journals, and online resources, supporting research and study.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Clinical Training:Rigorous clinical rotations and hands-on training in various medical specialties, allowing students to develop proficiency in diagnosing and treating diverse medical conditions.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning:Collaboration with other medical disciplines, providing a holistic understanding of healthcare and promoting a multidisciplinary approach to patient care.
  • Bedside Teaching:Emphasis on bedside teaching during clinical rounds, fostering direct patient interaction and enhancing clinical examination skills.
  • Problem-Based Learning (PBL):Integration of problem-based learning approaches, stimulating critical thinking and problem-solving skills by presenting complex medical cases.
  • Research Opportunities:Inclusion of research electives, encouraging students to engage in clinical and translational research, contributing to evidence-based medical practices.
  • Clinical Skills Labs:Well-equipped clinical skills labs for hands-on training in medical procedures, physical examinations, and diagnostic techniques.

Methods of Teaching & Learning:

  • Grand Rounds:Participation in grand rounds where complex medical cases are presented and discussed, facilitating a deeper understanding of diagnostic and treatment challenges.
  • Small Group Discussions:Small group discussions to encourage in-depth exploration of medical concepts, collaborative learning, and peer-to-peer interaction.
  • Research Electives:Opportunities for students to undertake research electives, fostering an understanding of evidence-based medicine and encouraging research skills.
  • Clinical Case Discussions:Regular clinical case discussions, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life patient scenarios and enhance clinical reasoning.
  • Problem-Based Learning (PBL):Integration of problem-based learning approaches, presenting complex medical cases to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Research Electives:Opportunities for students to undertake research electives, fostering an understanding of evidence-based medicine and encouraging research skills.